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Your Arizona Realtors - Closing costs explained.

Closing costs

Most people, when buying a home think about the cost as actual home price and what interest rate they can get on the loan to determine their monthly payments. Of course, this is the basis of the cost that everyone needs to understand. However, there are other important costs to consider as well.

Earnest Money Deposit

Usually 1% - 2% of the sale price. This is the deposit to show your good faith intent to purchase the home.  It is applied towards the total required cash to close when the purchase is completed. Note that you lose this money in case you decide not to go ahead with the purchase.

Down Payment

Usually, lenders will want 20% of the home value as down payment. This is the biggest amount of closing costs involved.

Origination charges

Origination charges are fees that are charged by the lender (the originator). Some companies charge lower fees but higher rates. While others charge higher fees but lower rates. So, the best way is to compare the annual percentage rate (APR) of each lenders’ offer.

Origination fee

Typically, this is 1% of the loan amount. These are charges by lender for originating, processing and funding your loan but it is not a mandatory charge. It is considered to be similar to discount points. Some lenders don’t even charge it. You may be able to deduct these against your taxes.

Discount points

Usually 1-2% of loan amount. You can say that these are a prepaid interest you will pay. They lower your interest rate in exchange for an upfront fee. They are advantageous if you are getting mortgage for a long time,  (5+ years). You may be able to deduct these against your taxes.

Processing fees

Around $500.  Charged by lenders.

Underwriting fee

$400 - $900. This fee is to cover the cost to analyze the risk of performance of the loan. This is to obtain a satisfactory level of comfort that you will be able to make your payments.

Flood certification fee

Around $20. Fees to check if the home that you are buying falls into a flood zone. Yes, we do have flood zones in Arizona.

Goverment funding fee

If you are getting a VA loan, you will typically have to pay a VA funding fee. If you are getting a USDA loan, you will typically be charged a guarantee fee.

FHA upfront mortgage insurance premium

1.75% of the base loan amount. If you are obtaining an FHA loan, you will be required to pay mortgage insurance. This insurance protects against losses caused by default or foreclosure.

Settlement 'closing' fee

Around $400. Title company charge this to handle your closing appointment where you will sign all of the documents for your home deal.

Lenders title insurance policy and edorsement

$600 - $1000. This insurance covers you and the lender against any losses incurred because of various errors or issues that are related to the evidence of ownership and possession of the property.

Miscellanous title-related fees

$100 to $150. Miscellaneous fees such as courier fees, e-Doc fees, printing fees or fax fees.

Recording fee

$75 - $150. The deed of trust related to the transaction are public records and are required to be recorded with the county.

Homeowner's insurance

$500 - $800. When you buy your home, you are usually required to pay the annual cost of the homeowner’s insurance (also known as hazard insurance) policy. It covers damage to your property and your liability or legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage you or members of your family cause to other people.

HOA transfer fees

If the home that you are buying is in a community that is part of a HOA, then it is likely that there will be a HOA transfer fee that will need to be paid. When you complete the purchase contract, you will specify if the HOA transfer fees will be paid for by you and/or the seller.

Home inspection

$200 - $600. It is not mandatory but is advisable to get the home inspected to find detailed information on the condition of the property.

Termite inspection

Around $100. Usually paid for by the seller. But if the purchase contract states that if the lender requires a termite inspection, it will be paid for by you, the buyer.


$400 - $600. You will be required to obtain an appraisal when you apply for a mortgage. Most lenders will allow you to pay for the appraisal with a credit card and many will allow you to pay it at closing.

Credit report fee

$25 or so. Lenders want to run your credit report before making a decision to lend you the money.

Home warranty

Around $550. It is a plan that can be purchased when you buy the home that covers the cost of repairs and replacement for certain appliances and systems in the home. Usually, seller pays for the first year.

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